Dublin: 7 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Just 18 absolutely savage tweets about Theresa May

U OK, hun?


This whole snap election thing hasn’t really worked to her advantage, eh? Between refusing to participate in debates and speaking in soundbites, she’s inspired a lot of very amusing tweets.


1. This very valid point. 

2. “Can’t be arsed sitting the Leaving Cert. Is it alright if I send my mate in instead?” 

3. “I’m tired, lads.”

4. “Miss Thompson always lets us text in class.”

5. Would you like Savlon for that, Theresa?

6. This ice cold assessment of her governing abilities… 

7.”I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m too busy with Brexit.”

8. An option to consider… 

9. Theresa May at a rap battle:

10. “Oh yeah, I’m well hard.” *hides in bathroom*

11. Pretty much. 

12. Dead on observation, tbh.

13. Clap your hands if you believe in Brexit!

14.When you can’t answer simple questions… 

15. So you just waffle away and pray nobody notices.

16. Savage. 

17. You know things are bad when House of Cards is calling you out


18. Finally… the difference between what would happen if your asked Jeremy Corbyn for a filter and if you asked Theresa May

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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